The Agile Network With Lanooka
Agile Security
Managing security risks in this environment is critical but more challenging than ever.
Ensure effective governance of security, with timely decision making, and properly managed risks. Shape, challenge and direct security policy in line with business strategy. Monitor usage and risk, making recommendations on enhancements and threats
Cloud Security
Leverage legacy policy information combined with network intelligence to redcue planning cycles and implementation costs.
Lifecycle Management
Poor lifecycle management is at the root of the most common security and operational issues. Lanooka can help you take control.
Infrastructure migration
De-risk and automate complex infrastructure migration projects.
Tool suite to aid with every stage of the network lifecycle
Firewall Management Suite
Suite of cross-platform tools, tailored to make complex lifecycle management more manageable.
Infrastructure migration
Reduce switching costs and de-risk infrastructure migration projects
Asset Tracker
Obtain full visibility
Tame the network jungle with tools to track network and application assets.
Perform log analysis and visualise network threats.
Full lifecycle automation and optimisation
Our suite of cross-platform tools, tailored to complex lifecycle management and bulk change operations
Tame the network jungle!
Identify anomalies, mitigate threats and opportunites your security posture